We're all about transparency here and, let me tell you, whether I wanted to merge Streaming and Writing together plagued my mind once I started this blog. What helped me make up my mind was the fact that I want us to get to know one another. I've been seriously streaming part-time since January of this year, while I had been on and off the previous years. A few months into focusing on streaming, and with the help of my community, we were able to make Affiliate on Twitch! Before we get started, while this isn't the typical blog style, I wanted to share my view on two programs that can be used through OBS/Streamlabs, and hopefully, this information can help other up-and-coming streamers.
As a content creator, you want to look for ways to help engage your viewers and one of those ways can be selling "Crates" to your viewers. These crates contain cards that can be played during stream - from GIFs to redeeming the streamer to only use "W" or to drop their equipment. Both Streamloots and Dixper offer Crates with Collections that can be created varying on the type of game you play. They also give you the ability to custom-create your collection to personalize it to your stream! These two programs look incredibly similar on the outside so, how does a content creator pick between the two?

As I stated, Streamloots allows you to create Collections either from their "Streamloots Orignals" or you can "Create Your Collection." This can range from GIFs to SFX, or actions that viewers can redeem during your stream. The redeemable actions are up to the streamer to view then implement. This can sometimes mean setting a timer for actions such as "Can't talk for 1 minute," "Sing for 5 minutes," or "Ignore team for 20 seconds." It's all in good fun and the viewers enjoy every second of it!
Now, how many games are part of the "Streamloots Originals?" Their Collections contain packs for over 30 categories including Just Chatting, Variety, Questions, and Voice Mods. Even if you don't see a pack specified towards the game(s) you play, you can build a Collection from the cards provided along with creating your very own. While creating your packs, you can either go through the cards individually or select all to create a new collection. When using the Originals, each card is already configured with cooldowns, descriptions, name, rarity, screen alerts, etc. Of course, you can go through the cards individually to change their settings and whether you would like to enable TTS. Streamloots does their best to give you control over what your viewers can do. Can't decide on what type of cards you would like to create for stream? Streamloots also offers to your viewers "Card Suggestions." This gives the people who enjoy your streams the opportunity to offer their ideas to help improve engagement!
Along with engaging your community, Streamloots themselves offers ways to engage You, the streamer, by using Community Rankings. The more revenue you pull in you have the chance to win exclusive merchandise! Not only are you climbing the community ranks, but you also help yourself by going from a "Streamloots Streamer" to a "Streamloots Affiliate" which offers New pack images, A special image for your panel, active collection increase to 3, active coupon limit increases to 8, and more!
Finally, we have payment. To reach payout you only have to reach a minimum of $20 which will be paid out on the 15th of each month. Configuring payout requires that you have a bank account but, if you don't have one, you can easily set up one using Paypal Cash Card. Not only will you be provided with a debit card but, you'll have direct deposit information that can be used for setup.

Dixper, while similar to Streamloots, offers their engagement on a more personal level with the streamer. Instead of playing a card on screen for everyone to see, and through OBS for the streamer, Dixper announces in chat who played what card and the action of the card plays directly onto your game screen. Dixper also allows you to disable announcements so it can be a complete surprise to you! That jumpscare your viewer wanted to get you with turns from a basic card played on screen into an actual scare for you to experience during gameplay. What about cards similar to "No Talking" or "Sing?" When you're setting up permissions and agreeing to Dixpers Terms & Conditions, part of Dixper is to allow the program to have access to the games you are playing along with your audio setup. From having to sing yourself for Streamloots, through Dixper a voice mod takes over and makes whatever you say sound as though you are singing. If someone plays a card that you are not allowed to hear anything, your audio deafens. If those cards don't sound appealing, just like Streamloots, with Dixper you can customize your Collection from over 90 categories of games they offer for you to choose from. A couple of neat features many may find themselves taking a liking to is trolling the streamers with "My mouse GOES CRAZY," or "Flip the screen UPSIDE DOWN." They do exactly as they say! For 30 seconds the streamer will have zero control over their mouse (though they may attempt), or have to walk around with inverted controls and their screen, well, upside down. There are many features to either troll, scare, or show love to the streamer. If you still can't find something to your liking, you can "Create Collection" to personalize it to you and your stream.
As a streamer constantly looking for ways to reward my viewers for subscribing, one thing I love about Dixper is that you can enable rewards for subscribers--Free Crates! And you can pick how much they will be rewarded with. You can offer "Smart Discounts" for subscribers as well. While you will get a lower profit, this can help boost your sales. The more Crates you sell, the more points you earn in the Achievement section, and the more points you earn you can boost your status from Streamer to Affiliate then Partner. With Affiliate status, you will receive a premium style goal, Discord Affiliate role, 5 new crate designs, Affiliate banner, skill for sub widget, and 80% Revenue. Dixper offers the potential to earn up to 90% revenue the more points you earn in Achievements.
Unlike Dixpers counterpart, you don't need a bank account to set up your payment method, and it's a pretty straightforward method to set up. As long as you have, at minimum, a Paypal account, all you need is a TIN (Tax Identity Number), or SSN, your full name, and to choose your country. That's it! You're ready for payout, which occurs on the 15th of each month as long as you have at least a $10 balance.
I have personally used both of these programs attempting to gauge which would better fit my audience and stream. Dixper has more to offer my community but, that's not to say that Streamloots isn't worth utilizing. For others, Dixper may appear as too invasive and would like a more passive approach to viewer engagement. It's a matter of personal preference and there is no wrong or right answer. With whichever you choose, I wish everyone the best of luck on their journey. Remember to practice self-care and hydrate often!