Where do we start? I'm unable to sound profound or as though I've discovered something about myself these past weeks because, let's be honest, the only thing I discovered about myself is that I'm still shy when placed in a new group of people and that being on roller skates makes me nervous but is fun. I had joined a pop-up choir after leaving the mental behavioral facility and since joining I've met these great people whose passions lie in various fields. One thing I've noticed they all have in common, besides singing, is their love for Hamilton! We're putting on a "Hamiltunes" show, with rehearsals in May. The twist? It'll be gender-bent. Now, I've never watched or listened to Hamilton so, until then, I'm going to be filling my free time with learning all of the songs and watching it (Hamilton can be viewed on Disney Plus). I know, I know, how can someone in 2022 still have not watched Hamilton? The atrocity! Ya'll, I've just started watching Supernatural, Merlin, I've been trying to catch up on The Walking Dead, and I have family waiting "patiently" for me to watch The Book of Boba Fett.
In other news, I finally made time to clean up StreamElements, update timers, reset the death counter, and updated other auto-messages that the bot will push during the live stream. Considering the last time I had streamed was October of last year, I had to go in OBS to update all of my scenes, change a few things around, insert new alerts, and ensure that VSeeFace, a program used with VRM 3D Models, was set up correctly along with her facial expressions matching my own. In short, what does this all mean? That I'm ready to stream on Twitch TV again! Every night before stream I would take a few deep breaths and repeat a short mantra to myself before hitting that Go Live button and as soon as the scenes would change from "Starting" to "In-Game" I'd become more lively, it's as though you become a different person. I'm sure I scared some friends with that switch, being quiet to shouting and spazzing out! Content creators will tell you that they each have their own Streamer Personality that they show the world to entertain the masses and in real life, they're the opposite. Many creators pour hours of time and effort into improving their content for the viewers that, in real life (IRL), they're exhausted. But it's all worth the effort to hear how we're making others happy and giving them a place to be who they are.
With rehearsals on the weekends, I will be sticking with a weekday schedule - Wed, Thurs, Fri at 10 PM PDT. As 8bitFae, or Fae, I am a variety streamer who enjoys Indie Horror games. With the help of Dixper, viewers are able to purchase crates filled with card packs that they can play to terrorize me or challenge me, during gameplay. There are also redeemables that can be played via Twitch - The longer you stay in chat you gain channel points, choccy milk, that can be spent to play SFX, hydrate reminders, etc. While I no longer have a dedicated Twitch Discord, I do run a Gaming Community Discord that everyone can join and promote their own stuff or just chill and hang out. I hope to see you there or on Twitch!
Discord: https://discord.gg/VHfpWcWu3w Twitch: www.twitch.tv/8bitfae
