When my sister and I were children, I recall us sneaking out of our dads' house to adventure in the woods! Our property had a creek that ran through the forest behind our home and in order to cross it, there was a metal beam. "Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother's house we go" would always play through my head as our Grandparents lived on the other side of the woods and we'd visit her once we were done playing. This was before we started living with them. The number of cuts and bruises we'd get on ourselves were plenty yet they told a story of imagination and were worn proudly.
My two boys have had their time spent out there on the property, with wild stories that my 9-year-old, Aiden, will share - Like the time he and his cousin, Alex, fought a giant snake and had barely escaped with their lives! Living in the city, though, they don't have those open fields to run amuck. It doesn't stop them from getting banged up from playing, though! Ezra, my 6-year-old, comes home from Kindergarten every day with a new bandaid on from his adventures on the jungle gym, while his brother, Aiden, waits till we're home to practice parkour on the apartment playground. Children are absolutely resilient! Aidens latest adventure into parkour has landed him several scrapes and bruises all over!
Honestly, this has led me to look into safer alternatives - indoor parkour classes. While we would have to travel to parks or trails, living in a city offers many choices to make up for that lack of natural space.
To speak frankly, as a parent, seeing my children constantly getting hurt scares the crap out of me! I know I can't keep them from getting hurt - that would be as though I'm keeping life from happening to them. I love that Aiden has this devil-may-care attitude and truly wants to excel in all he does, and Ezra loves his brother so much that he tries to impress him with each chance he gets. I want them to carry on through the years unafraid to live but, I'd like a little less gore from my boys.
The physical aspect aside, I'm proud to see them take up an interest in coding, robotics, and game development. They've seen me work hard on learning C# and all of the hours I've put in learning modeling, animation, rigging - all you need to bring a 3D model to life for virtual reality. It's opened a new door to them and they've stepped into it. While Ezra's interest in robotics came prior, and he's received Stem kits to build, he's now spent months in Roblox Studio learning how to develop his own world. He improves each time he enters the program and I'm thankful to the company for allowing that to be free for users to access. Aiden has begun using a free account on Tynker to learn to code and has expressed interest in video game development. It's exciting to see where their lives are headed and to know that these two small lives I'm shaping, I'm proud of them both.
***Be on the lookout for the release of my Twitch schedule! Vtuber 8bitfae will be making a return!*** *** www.twitch.tv/8bitfae ***