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When my sister and I were children, I recall us sneaking out of our dads' house to adventure in the woods! Our property had a creek that...


This week has been tough. It started with a bright outlook - I'm dancing again! Okay, I'm not about to take on the stage or perform in...

Feel Your Feelings

I like to believe at times that things happen for a reason. That and we meet people to learn lessons or because we have something to...

Challenge Yourself

It's that time of the year where NaNoWriMo becomes the talk of the writing community! National Novel Writing Month is a challenge to...

Just Listen

The need to write when inspiration strikes or when something interesting occurs in life is tempting. It's not sustainable, though. That's...

So You Clogged Your Sink

Story-telling is not my forte yet I have this innate need to try, try, and try again. Well, ladies, gents, and heathens of all sorts, I'm...

It's nice to meet you

First, I would like to apologize for the horrendous photo that now dons this post. I thought It'd be nice to show what I look like along...

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Image by Pavan Trikutam


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